Traverse Global v11.2
MFG Routing and Resources Setup Checklist
Before you can use the Routing and Resources module, follow the setup procedures in this section. Follow these procedures carefully. The choices you make determine how the system operates.
Perform these tasks to set up Routing and Resources:
____ Set up business rules
____ Define cost areas (using the Bills of Material module)
____ Set up employee information (using Payroll or System Manager)
____ Define media groups. (Optional)
____ Set up a shop calendar
____ Define tooling items
____ Define labor types
____ Set up machine groups
____ Set up operations
____ Define routings
____ Set up bills of material (using the routing information you set up using the Routing and Resources module)

If the Routing and Resources module is installed you must next set up at least one schedule. The Schedule is used in the Bills of Material and Production modules although you set up and maintain it using the Routing and Resources module. This calendar enables you to specify the availability of shifts, the hours in each shift, plant closings, special holidays, planned repairs, maintenance, and so on. You can maintain as many shop calendars as you like. You can then assign Schedule IDs to specific Work Centers, Machine Groups, or Labor Types so that specific availability or capacity can be calculated on any of the above. See the Routing and Resources Training Manual for more information.

If the Routing and Resources module is installed you may set up the following items next (see Routing and Resources for more information.):
- Tooling – Set up and define tooling maintenance, method of usage, cost, and so on. Proper tooling for each operation appears on relevant reports and inquiries to help you properly set up the operation.
- Labor Types – Labor types define the skill or grade that can be defined and applied to specific processes. Associated with the labor type is a rate by piece or hourly rate. Labor types are later assigned to operations to calculate the labor costs involved.
- Machine Groups – Define your machine groups. These groups can be a single machine or an entire bank of machines. If your machinery, although similar in name, is unique enough that its cost factors differ significantly from machine to machine, you may want to define each machine with its own Machine Group ID. If the materials vary from machine to machine, you may also want to define each machine with its own Machine Group ID. The grouping of these machines is usually done by their basic function and cost factors. Like labor, machine groups can be assigned a schedule, hourly costs, and so on. Machine groups are assigned to operations in order to establish a machine related cost.
- Work Centers – Work centers define where work is to take place and provide an area to set up overhead accounts for GL, overhead rates, and methodology. Work centers play an important part in managing labor and machine resources. They are later assigned to operations to indicate where the work takes place or what the overhead factors should be for that operation.
- Operations – Define your operations. Operations pull the tooling, machine group, labor type, and work center together in a defined operation process. You can also use this function to set up a subcontracted operation. Drilling, painting, mixing, and packaging all describe typical internal operations. If the operation is internal, operations allows you to define the various related times involved in manufacturing. The setup of queue time, setup time, run time, wait time, and move time can be defined in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds.
- Routings – are defined as the general flow of an assembly through the plant floor. They are made up of steps that define the operation being performed at that step. Routings are used when you set up the BOM. Having standard routings makes the creation of a routing for a BOM much easier and quicker. However, you do not need to create any preset routings to use or maintain the Bills of Material module. If you choose not to set up these standard routings, create the routing steps individually when you set up of the BOM.